Dana DeFranco loves coffee and found a way to serve the community with Battle Grounds coffee.
Dana and her husband Sal decided to enter the business world and open a coffee shop. But for Dana, it was more than just the coffee; it was also about service.
Dana grew up surrounded by family members who committed themselves to the service of others. Even her husband served in the United States military as a Navy SEAL.
It was important for her to enter a business that recreates the feeling of service to others, a coffee shop. She aptly named it Battle Grounds Coffee Company.
“[We] decided we needed a space where we could invite everybody to have an open conversation, a place where people can come out and hang out. So, when the idea of Battle Grounds Coffee came to life, it was built on that foundation of service to our community, to our customers, to the coffee we serve and to our country to continue that service, that mission- focus on what we could bring to that community,” Dana said.
Battle Grounds and the Pandemic
As many women who entered the small business world know, it wasn’t always a smooth ride. Their dedication and business savvy were tested with the onset of the covid pandemic.
They were forced to close the shop temporarily while restrictions were in place. Dana took a fulltime position at a local hospital in yet another extension of service to community.
Once she was able to reopen the coffee shop, she faced new challenges related to re-opening the business. What started out as a difficult challenge turned into a blessing in disguise.
“When we were ready to reopen, there were a lot of challenges. A lot of unknowns, a lot of changes and getting used to these changes. The silver lining to covid was it gave business owners the ability to change their direction, their style,” she said.

Dana’s experience with business ownership has been challenging and rewarding. Now she wants to encourage all women out there who are considering starting a business to go for it.
She made no false promises that it will be easy but assures women it’s worth it and that they can do it successfully.
“You have the confidence to do it, you know you do, or you wouldn’t be asking yourself ‘should I open this business.’ Just take that leap,” Dana said.
Very inspiring words.
Check out Dana’s coffee company website www.battlecoffee.com, and check out their Facebook and Twitter pages.
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Who is Trudy Jacobson?
Trudy is an entrepreneur and leader. Her path to success and entrepreneurialism started in the trucking industry decades ago. She encountered numerous obstacles in the male-dominated industry- like discrimination. She was even conned out of a lot of money in a fraudulent scheme. Despite all that, Trudy always fought hard and pushed forward. Once she realized she was capable of anything, she went on to start her own company and excelled. Now she empowers other women to do the same and to learn from her experience. Trudy now highlights their stories for the world to see in the Great American Women Series. Trudy wants women everywhere to know they can achieve their goals.