Trudy Jacobson Presents Great American Women of History: Tammy Duckworth

Trudy Jacobson Presents Great American Women of History: Tammy Duckworth

Tammy Duckworth

Tammy Duckworth fought through serious injuries sustained as a combat pilot. But that didn’t stop her from becoming a veteran advocate and a high-profile politician.

Duckworth’s journey to prominence began with her military service. A dedicated and courageous officer, she served as a Illinois Army National Guard helicopter pilot. Her commitment to her country took her to Iraq, where she flew combat missions and suffered life-altering injuries when her helicopter was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. Despite losing both her legs and using her right arm, Duckworth displayed unwavering resolve. Her perseverance in the face of adversity demonstrated her resilience and underscored the potential of women to excel in traditionally male-dominated roles.

“Tammy accomplished a lot during her time in the military. But it takes enormous resilience to be injured that seriously and bounce back to accomplish even greater things. Truly inspiring,” Trudy said.

Advocacy for Veterans

After returning from Iraq, Duckworth continued to serve her country by advocating for veterans’ rights and benefits. Her experiences as a wounded veteran fueled her dedication to improving healthcare, education, and job opportunities for those who had served in the military. As Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs under President Obama, she worked tirelessly to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs and ensure that veterans received the support they deserved. Her advocacy and policy work made a lasting impact on the lives of countless veterans and their families.

“I know too many veterans who dealt with personal challenges after combat and later complained about the VA system. It’s relieving to know that Tammy improved the system and helped countless veterans,” Trudy said.


Political Career

Duckworth’s transition to politics marked another significant milestone in her career. She was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and later to the U.S. Senate, becoming the first female double amputee to serve in Congress. Her rise in the political arena was a testament to her ability to connect with constituents, her dedication to public service, and her determination to make a difference. As a senator, Duckworth has championed a wide range of issues, including healthcare, women’s rights, and climate change, demonstrating her commitment to creating a better future for all Americans.

Duckworth’s accomplishments as a woman in the military, an advocate for veterans, and a respected politician should serve as a powerful source of inspiration for professional women today. Her journey showcases that women can excel in any field they choose and break through barriers. Duckworth’s resilience, dedication, and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on society exemplify the qualities that women can harness to succeed in their professional endeavors.



Her life and career illuminate the boundless potential of women in professional and public life. Her accomplishments as a soldier, advocate, and politician underscore the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving one’s goals. Duckworth’s legacy should inspire women from all walks of life to pursue their ambitions with unwavering determination, confident that they, too, can make a lasting impact on their communities and the world.

“Let Tammy’s story be a source of strength for you. You have the power to achieve anything if you set your mind to it,” Trudy said.

Have you read about this other great American woman of history?

Susan B. Anthony fought through incredible odds during a time when women were perceived as lower than men. But America has come a long way thanks to her.

Have you read about this other Great American Woman, Susan B. Anthony? She fought through incredible odds during a time when women were perceived as lower than men. But America has come a long way thanks to her.


Who is Trudy Jacobson?

Trudy is an entrepreneur and leader. Her path to success and entrepreneurialism started in the trucking industry decades ago. She encountered numerous obstacles in the male-dominated industry- like discrimination. She was even defrauded out of a lot of money by an unscrupulous, opportunistic person. Despite all that, Trudy always fought hard and pushed forward. Once she realized she could do anything, she started her own company and excelled. Now she empowers other women to do the same and to learn from her experience. Trudy now highlights their stories for the world to see in the Great American Women Series. Trudy wants women everywhere to know they can achieve their goals.


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