Trudy Chats About Philanthropy And Her Passionate Desire To Help People, Part 2

Trudy Chats About Philanthropy And Her Passionate Desire To Help People, Part 2

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In the first part of Trudy Jacobson Chats, Trudy opened up about some of the organizations she supports, like the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Her son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and Trudy wants to help find a cure. She wants other families to not have to deal with the stress and struggles associated with the disease. 

She then revealed her own personal challenges dealing with periodic bouts of depression. After watching many of her employees go off to enlist in the military after the tragic events of 9-11, she continued dealing with the stress from not knowing where her employees ended up, or if they even returned at all.

Because of her experiences, she’s grown fond of the veteran community and talked a lot about a recent one that came near and dear to her heart, the All Secure Foundation

Interview: Trudy Chats About Philanthropy

JTP: What more can you tell us about your support for the military community?

Trudy: With all the other issues going on in the United States and in our society, I think that’s a way to come back to our roots and appreciation for those who put their lives on the line for our country. Those who have gone through it [military] and were never treated with respect when they came back, I think it’s a way to humble ourselves and be appreciative of those people who did that for us, who protected us, and who tried to make the world a better place.

JTP:  What kind of personal dealings have you had with veterans?

Trudy: I know some guys I’ve met in the last ten years through acquaintances, through events, etc., and some of the guys I’ve talked to have these flashbacks, some sleep on the floor because that’s the best way to get out of their situation or that’s how they were trained. And that was how some of them prevented sleepwalking, 

JTP: You mentioned you read some books lately and that inspired you. What can you tell us about that?

Trudy: I was reading this book All Secure by [veteran] Tom Satterly, and it’s amazing to try to put yourself in their place. I’m also aware that his wife is amazing too. She [Jen Satterly] started her own project to help women, the spouses and that extends further to the families and children and how THEY can help their spouses who are veterans that suffer from PTSD.

That’s another example of a woman being strong enough to be an entrepreneur and start this project to help families of veterans who have mental issues after serving, that’s what I want to emphasize. It’s an example of how couples work together out of necessity and love.

A Source of Inspiration

JTP: Is that a source of inspiration for you?

Trudy: It’s so interesting to find couples who can work together, and who can flatter each other in their lives and find a common thread that helps them and gives importance and direction in life.

JTP: Do you feel you relate to them?

Trudy: I’ve been an entrepreneur for many years and I don’t try to sell myself as being “man-independent”. My husband and I have worked well in our businesses, and yes I did my share [of the business] and I enjoyed it. But the best was knowing that we as a couple were doing great things, building a company, helping families to grow from working with us and having a career. 

JTP: What are some other stories or examples that you pull from that makes you support the veteran community?

Trudy: Even in Vietnam, I remember some of our drivers came back and they would tell stories about being neglected by society because people were against that war – it was very hard. And they didn’t fit in when they came back. And they were physically neglected from the poisonous gases they endured.


We  found that some of our drivers were addicted to pot long before it became legal. And the fact that they didn’t have a good attitude about life. But what do you do, it’s like “gee, the people I knew best were all  my brothers and now you expect me to socialize with people who have no idea what I went through?” 

I can understand it.

Fighting Depression

JTP: You also mentioned dealing with depression, how do you deal with it? How do you cope?

Trudy: You fight it. You put your mind somewhere else, you get up and move. I had  times where I didn’t want to get out of bed and you think “wait a minute, what am I doing” and you get treatment. I think therapists are the wonderful people who serve the ones who served and who need a lot of help to go on in life.

I’ve known people whose children killed themselves because of depression. So you first have to learn that you’re going to deal with the problems that you have. You’ve got to dig it out, ask yourself “where did it come from, where did it start, was it my parents?” And understanding yourself why you are depressed, I think, are the key answers in how you rise above it. 

End of Interview

Trudy’s revelations about her own struggles are part of the reasons why she wants to see other women out there “making it”. Her life story isn’t one long happy journey, but rather one filled with struggle and perseverance. 

Her message to women everywhere is clear: no matter what you have gone through or what you are going through, you have the power inside you to  break free from it all and overcome it to reach your full potential.


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